Index of /storage/AA38F4F538F4C0FD/팝 flac/Alexis Cole - A Kiss In the Dark (2014, HDTracks 24-96)
Parent Directory
01 - Ain't We Got Fun.flac
02 - Whip-poor-will.flac
03 - Do You Ever Think Of Me.flac
04 - Limehouse Blues.flac
05 - Chicago, that Toddlin' Town.flac
06 - Bimini Bay.flac
07 - Nobody Knows You When You are Down and Out.flac
08 - After You've Gone.flac
09 - There's a Broken for Every Light on Broadway.flac
10 - A Kiss in the Dark.flac
11 - Indian Summer.flac
12 - Turn Back the Universe and Give Me Yesterday.flac
13 - Let the Rest of the World Go By.flac
14 - Till We Meet Again.flac